Daily Scorpio Horoscope January 01 (01/01)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

January 01


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 9/10

A Moon/Saturn link is encouraging you to see something in a sensible and pragmatic way but you could see the need to do this as instrumental in killing the magic within it. You could be inclined to focus on whats warm and comforting rather than what needs to be seen in a realistic light. There neednt be any depletion of magic provided youre willing to express yourself honestly and, if necessary, emotionally. Its by doing both that youll ensure any magic remains.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

Our receptiveness to chaos and upheaval is based largely on timing. If we know to expect either or both, then were often in a good position to deal with either or both. We can even see them as exciting and, at times, very necessary. As you find a shift occurring thats bringing a tiny bit of discomfort, dont prime yourself or succumb to a need to be defensive toward whats changing. This could be the sort of chaos or upheaval youve secretly been waiting for.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

Where you might have been keen to seek advice or guidance from certain others, you could now be aware of how limited advice or guidance received has been. Thats not to say some individuals havent made an effort to genuinely try to assist you but youve become very aware of how measured or finite their input can be. Thats why, this week, youre keen to see what you can accomplish without assistance. Through your own efforts, something looks set to finally shift.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

There will be much focus on domestic or family matters, with many Scorpions making significant changes within their abode or something within the family circle altering. Something connected with your home could soon become a drain on finances so try to keep spending focused only on essentials. There could also be less space in your home for a reason worthy of celebrating - but be prepared for communication or contractual mishaps from the 19th until early January.


health scorpio daily

Star 8/10

If youre thirsty when you read this, it means one of two things. Either you could use a lot more water in your daily diet, or, you could stand to reduce your caffeine intake to one cup a day. The serious message here is: stay hydrated! Otherwise, if youre a little hot under the collar, it might make sense to spend some serious quality time goofing off.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

The days planetary aspect is best summed up with the image of Cupid, except that the recipient of all your ardor will probably be yourself. Doing what you need to do to nurture yourself properly is what this aspect is all about. Once acknowledged, you usually have no problem with execution. There is no point gained by a beautiful throw that misses the target! Look at your health regimen and ask what you can give yourself to improve your well-being.


health scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

Tune in to peace and calm rather than any nerve-wracking scenario that might be unfolding around you. Digestive problems can be brought on by stress. This could be the case as you try to offset your frustration by doing more than is necessary or possible. Meditation and relaxation would be helpful if you can stay still enough to try them. Dont let old wounds haunt you. Let them go!


health scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

There is a very powerful and productive influence showing up for you this month that could have a beneficial influence on your well-being. Investing time in a diet, exercise, or therapy regimen that has a track record of success can help you feel better than you have in some time. Central to this can be the removal of energy blocks that have caused issues in the past. And finding ways to keep your natural energy or chi flowing and grounded can be essential to feeling good more permanently. Plenty of walks in nature can help you stay centered and grounded.


love scorpio daily

Star 9/10

The planetary alignment makes your sugar honey extra feisty and passionate. This may be a bit of a strain, though, especially as you prefer the quiet life. They may try several ingenious or athletic ways of trying to get you to join in their games, but being as you are, you will probably complain that you are suffering from a panic attack rather than cooperate.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

The celestial configuration offers you the chance to get to know someone a little better - well, a lot better, actually. The truth is that it all depends on how well you can talk to each other, or how open you can be. You have the opportunity to discuss some very personal, meaningful, and deeply profound subjects, but this requires that you be honest and not frightened of discussing anything and everything.


love scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

You may not be the most spontaneous person in the world, but impromptu and unexpected romantic moments are exciting in the beginning of the week. Why not give yourself permission to let loose just this once? Losing yourself in the moment and letting go of inhibitions can be life changing. Your jealousy comes out over the weekend and there isnt much you can do about it. Resist the urge to lash out at the wrong person.


love scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

Venus makes a trip into quirky Aquarius on January 7, making you less likely to seek commitment and more open to unconventional, nontraditional dating options and other odd love-related choices. You also worry less about what others think, lowering your inhibitions in the best way possible. Insistent Mars meets passive Pisces on January 19, causing you to act aggressively and then immediately second-guess yourself. Feeling guilty isnt fun, but you may not be able to avoid it during this aspect. The Jupiter/Uranus opposition on January 26 casts a mysterious shadow on your love life. Luckily, you adore deciphering clues and revealing secrets.


career scorpio daily

Star 10/10

You may feel "out of your element" today and this is fine. Dont be afraid to admit to others that certain tasks feel awkward or uncomfortable. Try to get reassigned to something more fitting to your abilities and talents. This is better than trying to fake it.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

Going with the flow today may get you in a great deal of trouble. Many people are trying to convince you that their way is the right way. There are many charlatans out there so be careful. Dont sign on to any get-rich-quick deals at this time.


career scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

This is a fantastic time for media events, marketing, and having fun at work. It could bring an office romance or other intrigue to the surface. Its easy to be overly optimistic about a particular situation. Dont leap into something in the heat of the moment. The cosmos could bring a feeling that you dont measure up to someones high standards. You may also feel unappreciated. This will pass. Focus on things that inspire your creative imagination.


career scorpio monthly

Star 7/10

Money from an expense report or bonus could arrive on or around January 13, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. Use this windfall to cover holiday expenses and buy yourself a gift. You have definitely earned a reward for all your hard work this year. Januarys final days will bring a number of conference calls. By bolstering an argument with reliable facts and figures, youll be able to meet your agenda. This is also a good time to negotiate a raise or budget increase. Your powers of persuasion will be very strong as this year draws to a close.



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