Daily Cancer Horoscope November 11 (11/11)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

November 11


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 7/10

These things are sent to test us. We all say or think such words when we find ourselves in unwelcome situations. Where you might have felt tested of late, youre about to experience relief and this is likely to surround your involvement with a certain person or your commitment in a particular area. The cosmos seems to recognize how youve had enough stress and tension in either or both areas. Now, its time to feel a well-deserved sense of relief and release.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

It could be easy to focus on what you believe is less than desirable or far removed from what you want or need it to be. Try not to succumb to a feeling or resignation or that delightful and sudden change only happens to other people. You have recently put in place a process that has likely altered one area of your world beyond recognition. Dont get too comfortable with the notion that, because the change has happened, youve little more to look forward to!


summary cancer weekly

Star 7/10

Confidence boosts are amazing things and occur in many different ways. What boosts confidence in one way can have a knock-on effect in another and whilst there is often a finite amount of time attached to feeling invincible before being brought to Earth once again, we can make spectacular things happen in short spaces of time. This week, the boost to your confidence promised by the cosmos is powerful and far-reaching. Just be live to the dangers of overconfidence.


summary cancer monthly

Star 8/10

November brings a Supermoon and not just any Supermoon. The one occurring this month is in your solar eleventh house of hopes, friends and long-term goals and marks the start of a powerful and far-reaching new chapter in any of the above. An ending will be obvious but so too will a new beginning. Thats not to say emotions wont run high but coming weeks will bring closure where youve wanted it and make very clear where youre going and possibly with whom!


health cancer daily

Star 8/10

Its important to your wellness to pay attention to your subconscious. There is a lot that goes on "under the surface" and youd rather know about it than not know about it, right? One way to keep abreast of your unconscious fears and desires is to keep a dream journal. This is easier than it sounds - if youve never kept a journal before. Simply carve out five to ten minutes every morning and sketch your dream while you have breakfast. Insights will arise.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today it becomes apparent just how dedicated you are to home and family. Family is a cornerstone in your life, or will be at some point. The most critical issue concerning families is health. Whether you are parent or child, your health is bound to mean the world to someone else. Why not have a handle on how to take care of yourself to the best of your abilities. Know your limits, and be active and creative about your health. It will do you and your family much good.


health cancer weekly

Star 9/10

You wont have as many issues to contend with now, and this gives you a chance to feel more relaxed. If you need to be careful of anything, watch out for the fatty foods that taste great but dont contribute anything to your health. Make more healthful choices.


health cancer monthly

Star 7/10

While Saturn is moving through your lifestyle zone, you could feel overwhelmed. If this is the case, its also likely that it may be causing you stress. Saturn in this sector can encourage you to take your responsibilities very seriously. And because youre so eager to do a perfect job, you may feel you arent getting the relaxation you need. This has to change. Its very important that you keep your life in balance with opportunities for socializing, complete rest, family bonding time, and creativity. Your work is important, of course, but for health reasons it shouldnt dominate your life.


love cancer daily

Star 10/10

Today you will experience a meeting of the heart and mind. If you have been engaged in an internal battle trying to decide whether to listen to the reasons why you shouldnt enter into this relationship, as opposed to your feelings about why you should, then perhaps you need to reframe your perspective. If you go with your gut instinct, you wont go wrong.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

You dont have a mean or malicious temper; its simply that your anger tends to boil over when you cant have what you want when you want it. It is clear that you need to vent your spleen about something that you have been complaining about for some time. Once you have gotten it out of your system, perhaps you can both be friends again? Decidedly yes, as youve got luck on your side!


love cancer weekly

Star 10/10

You probably know deep down in your heart that something isnt right, but if it isnt a pleasant topic, your first instinct is to avoid dealing with it. It isnt time to face the music just yet, but it will be soon. Youre a hugger, so it feels natural for you to make physical contact the moment you meet someone. Just keep other peoples personal boundaries in mind, and dont get offended if they dont want to get close right away.


love cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Venus visits practical Capricorn on November 11, which is a different energy for you where love is concerned. Youre used to taking the emotional route, but looking at things from a logical perspective has its merits, too. The direct motion of Neptune (your ruler) on November 19 wakes you up to a certain romantic situation that youve been blind to lately, which could ignite a lot of thoughts and feelings. Now isnt the time to act, but start formulating your plan. Venus and Pluto meet on November 25, setting off a series of events that should help you face romantic issues head-on. Dont hesitate.


career cancer daily

Star 7/10

Be careful of saying too much. You will get a bite from the chatter-bug today, and once you get started talking, you wont be able to stop. The danger is that you will say something that you will regret, and it may even cost you your job. Be careful.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

Attack monthly goals with great courage and confidence. You are being fully supported every step of the way. A great deal of open and honest encouragement from others is the cornerstone to your success. Take what others say to heart.


career cancer weekly

Star 8/10

Reach for the stars and get ready for an interesting ride. Aspects now may bring issues to a head. Meetings could be fraught with emotion, and reaching an agreement could be almost impossible. Dont overreact. Stay cool and be the one who sets a good example. Legal issues need to be handled with care. Dont presume anything. Its a good time to explore foreign markets or travel on business.


career cancer monthly

Star 8/10

The days around November 14 should be rewarding. Putting the finishing touches on a group project will earn the respect of a powerful executive. Dont be surprised if youre asked to work exclusively for this influential person. Your hard work and perceptive questions make you a valuable asset. If youre job hunting, you may be offered a job toward the end of November. It could be far from ideal, but it will bring in money to cover the bills. Dont invest a lot of emotional energy in this job. A better situation will come along next month when you bump into a former employer.



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