Daily Cancer Horoscope September 27 (27/09)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

September 27


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 8/10

Dont worry; it might never happen. Such words tend not to offer levels of comfort or reassurance the person saying them hopes theyll offer. All might be fine if it wasnt for that little word, might. In an area of your world, you would like reassurance about a situation youre hoping wont materialize. The cosmos suggests youre nurturing an unfounded fear. Where you feel its necessary to prime yourself, do all you can to relax. Fear will soon pass.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your desire for more knowledge about a particular topic could be intensifying, encouraging you to go to extreme lengths to discover more about it. However, keeping to yourself your valuable discoveries isnt what the process is all about. You might be waiting until you believe the time is right to share your findings. However, it appears what youre uncovering needs to be common knowledge, not something you should be keeping to yourself.


summary cancer weekly

Star 9/10

We all know people who are ideas machines. They have one seemingly ingenious idea, followed by another. However, despite the plethora of visions they manage to generate, it appears few come to fruition. Its great to have a wonderful idea, but figuring out the best way to implement it can be perplexing and frustrating. This week, it could become clear what you need to do to take a particular idea to the next stage. If help or support from others is needed, then you can be certain both will become available to you.


summary cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Last months eclipses put the spotlight squarely on your earnings and finances. This month, you can expect more progress on financial fronts. This could be evident in the first few days of September, too. One way or another, your bank balance looks set to become healthier due to a financial matter finally being resolved or you seizing a fantastic opportunity to boost your income. Coming weeks will also indicate how much clout your words carry, so be aware of how less verbal force will be needed to make a point or get your way with certain discussions!


health cancer daily

Star 8/10

Get some space today. You are filled with a sense of power, and you need to work out what to do with this yourself, not with others. There is a lot you can do with this energy. For one thing, the physical exercise you do could put you in a trance state where you will receive important messages from your unconscious. Don\t miss this! There is a lot of healing energy within you, and this transit is a way to tap that energy for present and future use.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

The intense feelings that may have started yesterday will get a little more intense today. If you\re enjoying this energy, then you probably have had some deep thoughts you will want to make a note of for future reference. If it\s been a struggle, take confidence in the fact that many people are also feeling the impact of this intense emotional energy. Give yourself some needed release with a trip to the gym or a short run after work.


health cancer weekly

Star 10/10

You may want or need to spend money on your health. If you\re in good shape, then splurging may be a matter of buying some new exercise equipment or investing in a gym membership. If you\re having problems, you may want to investigate a number of avenues. Don\t waste money on a temporary fix if you want lasting results, as they rarely work.


health cancer monthly

Star 10/10

A positive liaison involving happy-go-lucky Jupiter suggests that you may have some great ideas about what you should eat or how you should structure your day, and these could have very a positive impact. But it may be the influence of disciplined Saturn that gets things underway and you begin to see results from your daily efforts. As the month gathers pace, you could be drawn to someone who is an authority on a way of eating, beauty regimen, or certain supplements. His or her ideas could represent a new departure that could benefit you and you take on board.


love cancer daily

Star 10/10

The energy of the day brings out the animal in you. You have been patient for long enough, and have tolerated the apologies fed to you by that simpering excuse for a partner. You want real action, and intend to get it. On your way out the door, though, you may just care to remember that you may be a few cents short of a dollar yourself.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

You much prefer to discuss the aesthetic reasons for emphasizing the use of aquamarine instead of puce in the latest art exhibit, rather than striding along in a pair of walking boots through mud and countryside. But being the sweet person you are, you will do it anyway to be nice to your darling love - even if you are cursing behind their back.


love cancer weekly

Star 7/10

Someone asks you to go with the flow in the beginning of the week, but they might not have the best of intentions. Dont feel pressured to follow the crowd, especially if your subconscious is telling you otherwise. Your work or personal life intersects with your love life over the weekend, and perhaps not in the most positive way. It might be time to perfect other parts of your life before trying to get a new romance off the ground.


love cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Commanding Mars visits fastidious Virgo on September 5, putting some much-needed oomph in your dating goals. You arent content to sit on the sidelines. Instead, you enter the game fully ready to dominate your competition! September 12 brings a Venus/Saturn trine that works in your favor, especially when you factor in the extra dose of drama it injects into your love life. You arent a look at me type, but you could benefit from being the center of attention. Alluring Venus trines social Uranus on September 17, so group dates and outings with friends work out favorably. Going out with others helps you avoid those awkward one-on-one conversations you dread.


career cancer daily

Star 10/10

A missing piece of the puzzle reveals itself and you suddenly discover that you have been barking up the wrong tree. You easily bounce back and re-focus your attention where it needs to be in order to come out of this sticky situation on top.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your dreams are important to you and right now you are frustrated because these dreams seem to be standing still. They may even be moving backward. Don\t get down on yourself for this. Realize that this backward movement is part of the process.


career cancer weekly

Star 8/10

Monday can be a powerful day in terms of your relationships with women. Don\t make any assumptions. You might be unusually emotional or unrealistic in your assessment of a person or situation. Delay major decisions until later in the week. Decide if you want to continue to confront a difficult person or challenge by yourself. Work toward shared goals by building team morale at the end of the week.


career cancer monthly

Star 10/10

A legal matter could be decided in your favor in the first half of September, when the full moon metes out justice. This will let you take a much-needed vacation. A change of scenery will benefit you professionally. It will be much easier to do your job well after some time away. The closing days of September could bring some disappointing news about work. You may be passed over for a promotion or turned down for a job due to a challenged new moon. This could be a blessing in disguise. The position you want has many hidden aspects. Being forced to sacrifice more personal time is the last thing you want.



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