Effing Simple: Your Guide to Growing Your Network Marketing Business and Changing Your Life

Effing Simple: Your Guide to Growing Your Network Marketing Business and Changing Your Life

Paperback – March 10, 2019
10 Mar
Jay Treloar
This book is an effing simple guide to help newbies and experts alike prosper and thrive in network marketing. Toni (with guest appearances from partner in crime and husband Jay Treloar) jumpstart your success with stories, strategies, and specific techniques.Recounting her 20-year and $5 million earning experience in the industry, Toni guides you through:1. Success Stories—Beginning with an effing simple why and ending with effing simple mindset tools.2. Leadership Strategies—Including prioritizing self-leadership, partnering with others, and establishing the best environment.3. Network Marketing Specifics—Details on the effing simple profession of network marketing, prospecting, relationships, and today’s effing simple digital marketing.Written in plain language, with sarcasm and a few swear words thrown in for good measure, “Effing Simple” reads like advice from a good friend who’s really smart and has your best interest at heart.While reading, you’ll laugh, (maybe cry) and possibly smack yourself on the forehead thinking, “That’s effing simple! Why didn’t I think of that?” Also, you’ll likely feel energized and excited about joining the team of loud and proud network marketers, using their tools for success in any industry, and recruiting your partner to join you along the way!

Reviews (163)

She says it all the time! She proves it! Believe it and just do it!

Keep it simple! Do the "do"! Be consistent! Forget paying for all those "gooroos" out there to learn how to be a network marketer! You are putting your time and money into programs as an EXCUSE to keep learning and not just getting out there and doing the do! (preaching to the choir here!) From the first time I meant Toni, she said it is really simple. I kept thinking, no it can't be that simple. There has to be a secret to this success. She must be holding something back! I went out searching and in the meantime she wrote this book. I have come back around full circle and found...it is EFFING simple! All these other people that you can hire will tell you the same thing in a different way. So say yourself some money and buy this book. Read it. Do what it says and watch yourself soar to the top. I have purchased several copies of the book. I use it at my events to tell my story about looking else where for the key to the business when all along it was right in front of me with my leader. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! You guys, (Toni says that all the time by the way, "You guys!" haha) my leader kept saying all along it is simple! Do the Income Producing Activities (IPA's) and you will see results! Simple! EFFING Simple! Buy a copy for your team members. Use this book as part of your weekly meetings. Use it as a tool in your presentations. DON"T use it as a coffee table book that you find yourself having to dust off weekly with no bent down pages or scribbles of notes. This book is meant to read, dog ear and dream with. Toni and Jay, I love you both! You inspire me! You love me! You support me! I know you have my back! I know you are cheering me on! Thank you for being the people you are and encouraging with all your heart! Naomi, thank you for your heart and all that you do behind the scenes for the team. Catherine...there are no words for you! Please remember me when you are famous...I am one of your biggest cheerleaders! You already have this business and people figured out at age 10! You already show how Effing Simple this is! Love you all! (These are words that you will always hear from Toni and Jay, too!)

An Inspiring Read for Direct Sales Network Marketers

I LOVE that this book is concise and written from the heart of one of the most successful network marketing direct sales gals in these United States of America. I love that she shared how she became successful all the way through today. She inspires and encourages me. She cuts to the chase and is honest. I know now what I am doing wrong and also doing right while trying to climb to the top of Monat. Direct sales have evolved through the years. Toni demonstrates how to be successful in our techno world. I have read it twice and am reading it for the third time!

Dynamic, Awesome and Inspiring!

Its refreshing to hear her story leading up to her success. We can all get stuck (was there when joining my Network Marketing Company) in a victim role so quickly & it will suck us down the drain. Personal growth is so important. She shares her insight and experiences with Love & Great Character.

Amazing book for Entrepreneurs

Who is it for: All entrepreneurs and anyone looking into becoming an entrepreneur This is an Easy Read and gives such a great wealth of information to get out of your head and become coachable person. I have gotten great nuggets. It's relatable, motivational and gives you practical tips without unnecessary filling. It makes being an entrepreneur literally "effing simple" A great book to give you a kick in the butt plus she uses the Eeyore analogy like I do and that to me makes the whole book worth it. Spring read! Get it today!


Loved this book! Very easy read. Toni is all Heart and Very Honest. She does the Do. I've know Toni a long time and she has been through it all which makes this book so relatable. Thanks for paving the way and making it so Effing Simple for the rest of us!

What a motivational kick in the pants!

Toni and Jay really tell it how it is in a way that gets you fired up and ready to work harder and put yourself out there more. As soon as I was done reading Effing Simple, my husband read it too! After reading this book I am getting up earlier and working harder with a much better mindset than ever before. I am really enjoying the extra web content that sends the educational journey home after finishing the book. I will be getting this book for all of my new team members and after reading this I know there will be many more!

A Must Read for All Network Marketers

Toni writes clearly and with an easy understandable perspective! I love her candid stories about her journey. She tells it like it is but does not frighten one away from wanting to jump on this fabulous train. I read the last page last and do everything she suggests except exercising.

Made me cry ugly tears

This book touched me so deeply that I was brought to tears. Toni tells it like it is and shares how she grew her business. I am implementing her strategies to get out of debt myself. Thank you Toni and Jay for keeping it #effinsimple.

Life changing read.

Toni's bold, call it like it is, paint the wall with your excuses then shoot holes in all of them is a refreshing reminder of how to make it in this type of business. If what you are currently doing isn't working, read this then take a fresh look in the mirror and take action, this is your "wake-up call" wish granted.


Love love this book! great tool and very simple and to the point on how to do network marketing right! love the homework assignment since it got me thinking and writing down my goals and challenges! It is great to hear and read from someone that has done it and give me the truth straightforward on this kind of business and what it take to succeed!

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