Daily Capricorn Horoscope November 19 (19/11)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

November 19


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

New chapters and eras are wonderful things. We tend to be excited when weve made them happen. When they present themselves on their own, we naturally feel disoriented, confused and cautious. The feeling of change is often unignorable and we have no concrete idea about when it will be replaced with calmness and predictability. If youre feeling confused or insecure now, trust such feelings are the result of a much needed and long overdue change.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Try not to focus on whether or not a plan might work or if effort made will result in anything other than disappointment. Doing something is much better than doing nothing. Whilst its true you might not achieve immediately what you set out to achieve, its by doing something, making some effort that other avenues and possibilities will present themselves. For as long as you look at what needs doing without doing it, these will never manifest. So, do something. Anything.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

This week, its important to recognize how momentum is working in your favor in the background. You might feel a situation appears hopeless and believe youre stuck in an unfair situation through no fault of your own, struggling to find a reason to feel optimistic about the future. As Mercury links with Pluto, what needs and deserves attention is whats unfolding in the present. Embrace that and it wont be long before you feel more confident about the future.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

During the first half of this month, you have a crucial obligation to fulfil. You have another responsibility requiring you to placate certain others. Just as youre likely to feel pressure is mounting in an intolerable way, Mars exits your sign. As if on cue, Venus enters it. Thats where the second half of the month becomes more harmonious, bringing a noticeable easing-off of pressure. Sort what smacks of seriousness and then allow reassurance and comfort to replace it.


health capricorn daily

Star 9/10

You hope that hard work will be rewarded but are sometimes confused by the lack of acknowledgement from others. Sometimes our hard work is invisible to those we want to impress. This can be for reasons we dont understand at times, but the important lesson is to be focused on yourself. There is no one you need to impress more then yourself. Put your energy into creating the healthiest body you can. Exercise, diet, and rest are the tasks at hand, every day.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Staying "on track" is very important to you, and you will find that when you are physically active on a regular basis there is not much stress in your life. You need to take your physical well-being quite seriously or your energy will run amuck. Broaden your awareness of what healthy means to you by talking with your friends about fitness. See what they do to enhance their wellbeing. Be open to trying new things. Novemberbe you will go to the gym or a yoga class together and find it is more fun for everybody.


health capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

As within, so without. This saying seems to apply to your health. Nothing happens by accident, especially getting sick. A sense of helplessness about one issue could open the way for infections. A change of perspective might mean the difference between staying healthy or crawling into bed. Have faith in your inner power. Take care of yourself and access that healing inner silence.


health capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

One practice that can help you stay on an even keel this month is regular meditation or yoga. Although it takes discipline to maintain it on a daily basis, this is a quality you were born with. You might even find that the inner peace gained through such a practice permeates all areas of your life to give you more energy, sustained concentration, and the ability to aim high and overcome obstacles with greater ease. Youll also find that anything that strengthens your nervous system also adds to the stamina of both mind and body.


love capricorn daily

Star 7/10

Take time to get in touch with your deeper feelings concerning your most personal relationship. If you have certain issues that need discussing, then do so while you are able to offset any difficulties with a degree of charm. Above all be honest, and consider whether you are both attending to each others needs or solely to your own. By being truthful, your relationship will greatly improve!


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

Sometimes the moonlight plays tricks upon us, and at other times it creates the kind of atmosphere that is so celebrated in love poems. There is a wonderfully potent atmosphere today that may also trick you into doing or saying something that you could regret at a later date. Go ahead and do all the usual romantic things, but dont get too carried away!


love capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

When the wheel of chaos stops in the first part of the week, you barely know what to do with yourself. Now that youre not dealing with a crisis of some kind, how do you want to spend your free time? This is the perfect moment to reschedule a date you had to cancel earlier. You might feel a bit out of place over the weekend, but you can grow from new experiences. Let a cute stranger guide you.


love capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

You keep your emotions in check as the Moon traverses your sign on November 4 and November 6, an accomplishment you take great pride in. You have feelings, of course, but now youre in the zone. The Sun lightens the energy as it moves from intense Scorpio to buoyant Sagittarius on November 21, so you may be more adventurous and spontaneous in the coming month. Could an undeniable infatuation be in your future? Dont rule it out. Youre back to seriousness during the Mercury/Saturn conjunction on November 23, but dont get down if your love life hits a snag. It probably isnt because of anything you did.


career capricorn daily

Star 8/10

You will be extremely productive. Your work ethic will be strong and you will have no trouble creating a list and sticking to it. You have everything you need to make this an extremely successful day in the workplace or wherever you happen to be.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your luck is going to improve during the next three weeks. A new phase in your yearly cycle starts today that signals the beginning of an upswing for you. Relations with others you work with will be much more favorable overall.


career capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

This period may bring legal issues into the open. Just as you thought it was safe to go ahead with a business plan, yet another delay could cause more frustration. Before you get upset, wait a few days and see what transpires. Its important that you have a sound strategy in place so you can reach your goals. You wont be as effective without one, and you may end up wasting time.


career capricorn monthly

Star 8/10

Your creative contributions should be well received around November 14. Thanks to your work, youll gain a reputation for being a talented innovator. Dont be surprised when youre given bigger and better assignments. If youre overdue for a vacation, take it in the first half of November, when youll get the greatest benefit from a break. Its possible youll be forced to work from behind the scenes near November 26. Your role wont be clearly defined, and it will be difficult to get a straight answer from your employer. Whenever possible, put your questions in writing and keep a record of this correspondence.



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